Friday, September 23, 2011


Assimilation sounds like the ultimate sin in Israel and the worse thing a jewish person can do against his people.

On another case this week, A football player, Maor Melikson, left Israel to play in Poland decided to agree to play for the Polish national team and not for Isareli one and started a passionate assimilation "discussion".

He has good reasons! Maor Melikson played in all Israeli young national teams while he never got any attention by all 3 couches in last 8 years. As he turned into 27 and his career end is so close to being finished he decided to use his legal Polish passport that allowed him to develope a wonderful career in Poland and made him one of the top players in the Polish league and use it to progress his career forthur with the same people who did believe in him and his abilities !

Israelis claim that this is a shamful decision though they forget all foreigners who never even had Israeli or Jewish blood and got passports and citizenships when it was convinient to their teams (Mercer, Sharp or even Colautti).

Maor, go live your dream and follow what will make you happy ! This is your career and your life and I will support you even if you go and play in Poland and wear the red and white shirts. They just deserve you more than we do !!!


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Too long... (Travelling)

Been too long since I updated anything...

I've been travelling quite a bit this summer. I love travelling, It just makes me happy ! There are few things that do make me happy and travelling is definitely one of them.

A lot happened lately which made me wanna write about. Maybe those will be my next few posts here. I live in a hectic country where things happened day after day and you already forgot what happened at the previous week.

Sometimes I think that this is the main reason I would like to go away from here. Its the reason I do not want to live here the rest of my life. I dont like stress. I like things moving on calmly, there could be problems but I just prefer stress to not be one of its symptoms.

Maybe it comes from my experience. From my dislike to stress as way of control and order. Thats how they work here. Its how they work in the army. Israel never learned how to separate the army from the civil life.

I just dont like it. I guess its hard to explain when its something so unique.
Maybe next time.
