Monday, June 27, 2011

Justice System...

The justice system suppose to make order in the world and remove all crime and wrong behaviour exist... This of course not true and brings ridiculous cases and the twisting of the justice.

A guy, mid 20, decided to fight for his rights at any cause. He go protesting, rioting, throwing rocks, damaging property and the final action - hit policeman. Together with many other protesters they reach the final result of 13 dead and many injured. The guy who attacked the police and damage property got injured in his eye and lost it. He sued Israel for this and won 660,000nis.

There is a guy in Rakefet who got same injury in one of Israel's wars. He has some percentages of injury and he gets some compensation from the army for that each month. If he would add all the money he gets for the next 30 years he would not get to the ridiculous amount of 660,000nis....

An orthodox guy came to Kibbutz Gvat to have fun with his friends at the pool. They made fun, start to be more and more uncontrollable until the lifeguard asked them to stop. They of course didn't. The guy got pushed into the pool while his leg caught up in the tunnel of overflow water. He damaged and torn his Achilles tendon and of course sue the Kibbutz for that.

Instead of telling his that he is an idiot the court told the Kibbutz to compensate him with 20,000 nis.

Justice or no justice - sometimes its just ridiculous !


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