Saturday, March 6, 2010

Israeli Politics

I wanted to talk about something else today though after reading some news today I decided to talk about Israel. Israel is complicated country. As a country of refugees, Israel has many different type of people. Too many opinions about how Israel should be and act like.

As I mentioned I have read few articles which published in a newspaper by different community leaders. They were all discussed about the so called Apartheid Week (March 1-13). 2010 will be the 6th year of the Israeli Apartheid week. The organizers promote boycott on Israel and try to get global movement.

It's of course unnecessary to say that comparing South African Apartheid regime to the conditions and situation of Israeli Arabs and even Palestinians is quite impossible.

Apartheid means the prohibition of participation in the general election, studying in the universities, getting treatment in hospitals and separation of settlements. When this is being compared to how Israeli Arabs living in Israel, it's far from being anything close.

Israeli Arabs vote and have representation in the Israeli Parliament (The Knesset) while even ministers. There is an Israeli Arab judge working at The Supreme Court of Justice and Israeli Arabs can study in any university they would like to which they do and of course there are mixed cities where Israeli Jews lives in neighborhoods along Israeli Arabs such Haifa, Jaffa, Ramle and Jerusalem.

Palestinians forget that their biggest mistake was made back in 1947 when Israel was approved by the UN and established as a state. The Palestinians and Arab nations didn't like that outcome and decided to kill all Israel and expel them into the sea. That action lead to the Israeli independence war and to what will lead to the Palestinians occupation.

Most Israelis do not want the West Bank and Gaza as part of Israel. They do not want to control no one and they certainly do not want to see their children fighting and dieing in battles.

It is sad that who ever form these boycotts and demonstrations tries to avoid the real issues and use the people as a political tool in order to bring more and more hate which will lead to more and more chaos.


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