Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Just too much...

I just can't find a good reason for the positive sides of the Miss Israel crap !!!
What are the reasons which allow this amazingly irrelevant ceremony to be still happening?

It is an insult to women and to men !
Just sad that in 2011 these things still exist ...

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Still funny to see the word Engineer after my name... I wonder if this will ever pass away.
Why do I still feel like I know nothing much and that anyone who will hire me is crazy?

I hope one day it will go away and I could be bit more self-confidence. I know I'm ok and I learn a lot. I'm still learning many things like approaching all kind of administration offices (Israeli bureaucracy SUCKS !).

Being more organized is something I got to understand bit more aware of. I am bad at it but I do learn and getting into it. It's very satisfying and I'm quite pleased I managed to get into a small company where I could fit in just perfectly.

After all, I am pretty much happy :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I love beer and I love Irish beer.

Just got to drink a new one for me, O'hara's, never heard about it before, never saw it before either. But it sure is tasty and with the right pub's chips its just yummy !

Rodeo pub, you just rocked it !!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Lovely weekend...

Had a nice relaxing weekend...
Nice relaxing friday family dinner with great food !!!
Now going to sleep and waking up in morning for Saturday walk and hiking.

Shabat Shalom !

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The way to Hadera

During my work I need to drive once a while to meetings in Hadera WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plant). Today was such a day.

Its started with amazing beautiful dayin the lower Galilee - Great views up to the Mediteranean Sea and sunny clear sky. Then the traffic jams of the north hit you in the face.

Most times they happening not cause the roads are bad but cause people don't know how to drive. Cutting lines, cutting you, pushing, driving slow, driving fast... Disaster.

The wwtp sits between wheat fields in a beautiful gravel road leading the way. Dreamy ! Just makes you drive slower to enjoy.

Sometimes work can be fun and nice as well... I'm happy to find myself into this profession. Life is beautiful ! Just need to remember and try to aprichiate it bit more than we usually do :)

Monday, March 14, 2011


I don't know how many know but I live in a small village called Rakefet... Rakefet islocated at the heart of the Galilee and just between Haifa and the Sea of Galilee.

There are 170 families living in Rakefet. It was established during 1981 as an agricultural sociable village but in 1989 it become a normal village. Rakefet is located just near the regional council and as a result we used to walk to school.

Its a peaceful area with community life and nature suroundings. Most people who live here enjoy the living near to the arab villages around and support the harmony and quite which can be in the entire area if people would just want to stop fighting...

Anyway, I don't see any reason why living in another place in the world other wise to that your GF force you to :D

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Wanted to post about the winter and how beautiful nature is. About the colours and the green fields and how peaceful it is.

Terrorist sneak into a settlement yesterday near Neblus in the West Bank and by cold heartless action murdered a couple and 3 of their 6 kids. One was 3 and one was 1 month old baby.

I understand the idea of hurting Israelies, I understand actions against soldiers and the army that goes into the palestinian villages and cities, I don't have top accept them but I do understand.

Killing a baby and small kids is a RED LIMIT.

Just sad.

Israeli Winter

Being back in Israel isn't always depressing and sad. The Israeli winter reminds that there is always a beautiful side as well.

The flowers are showing their amazing colours, all rages of blue, whites and reds filling the fields and hills around and it is completly amazing to walk less then a km away from home and just feel happy.

This is why I wouln't see myself living in the city...

Friday, March 11, 2011


Last year Haiti and Chile, This year it's Australia, New Zealand and now Japan... The Nature shows us how powerful it can be and how tiny we are. Its time of prespective and time to get to know our place in the world.

We cannot control everything.

I just wish these events to be the less harmless as possible. My heart goes with them.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I can't watch news anymore! I just can't agree with the careless of our "modern" society have in it. I would admit that I do not care about many things but the cold hearted careless is something I just could not agree or understand.

A guy run over teenaged girl and get a 1000 shekel fine and civil service work. REALLY? What would stop him to drive again drunk? What kind of message is that ??? Just unbelievable how its even possible !

There are many cases who showed that our society become materialist and hallow... I can listen to Mobile phone adds anymore. I just cant think of people who earn minimum wage or less and still spend half of it on that piece of plastic! It's just one of many examples.

I'll just say thanks for living so close to the nature and wilderness and the possibility of run away from this urbanization jungle crap and have some piece of mind once a while.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Back to writing...

Last year was a rough one... Many things changed in my life but its getting on track now... I'm back in Israel, I enjoy my time with my family and after many years I have the chance to enjoy the Israeli winter. The flowers and nature which I missed so much !

It's still weird be back in Israel in a way, I just haven't saw myself living here again, although Israel is definitely not a bad country to live in. I love it here and its MY country.

I am working finally, found work after 3 months of searching which is not bad and got a good job in my field. Normally using AutoCAD and learning how to manage projects of sewage treatment plants and sewage pipelines works... Very interesting and I'm sure happy to got the chance !

I've been hosting CSers a lot lately and going abroad for visiting is burning in my bones, I sure miss Europe and Finland and I miss my friends I left behind...

OK, I'm at work and should do some work too for a change.
More to come tomorrow.