Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The way to Hadera

During my work I need to drive once a while to meetings in Hadera WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plant). Today was such a day.

Its started with amazing beautiful dayin the lower Galilee - Great views up to the Mediteranean Sea and sunny clear sky. Then the traffic jams of the north hit you in the face.

Most times they happening not cause the roads are bad but cause people don't know how to drive. Cutting lines, cutting you, pushing, driving slow, driving fast... Disaster.

The wwtp sits between wheat fields in a beautiful gravel road leading the way. Dreamy ! Just makes you drive slower to enjoy.

Sometimes work can be fun and nice as well... I'm happy to find myself into this profession. Life is beautiful ! Just need to remember and try to aprichiate it bit more than we usually do :)

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