Tuesday, April 26, 2011


When there is a mess around the world there is a chance to watch some different priorities in different countries.

Lybia, Egypt, Syria and other Arabian countries involved in a chaos, Civilian killing and "new" era ahead. Weather if good or bad, I don't think it is possible to know just yet. Though they have enough mess inside their countries their citizens and leaders prefer to blame Israel in everything and a new joke raised up - Cancelling the peace agreement. Egypt should focus on their inner problems before start to "improve" their diplomacy, That is what they fought and died for !

Meanwhile in Europe it is clearly not important news or subject since the "prince" is getting married. In the modern era I found this Royalty to be nothing but a big joke. Countries who consider themselves as the leaders of the world have few brats doing whatever.

People around the world are fighting and killing, Whole countries faces new future ahead though why would anyone care when a spoiled kid is getting married. Guess the English can choke with it. I would prefer to focus on important matters.

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