Monday, May 2, 2011

Memorial Day

Yesterday was Israel's Holocaust memorial day. This year we also "celebrating" 50 years to "Eichman trial". Adolf Eichman was one of main leaders in the Nazi regime and he brought to trial after he was caught in Argentina by the Israeli Mussad.

The trial opened in 1961 and will be remembered bye the open sentence of Israel's attorney general:

"I stand here in front of you, teaching prosecution of trial, though I do not stand alone. Together with me stands another 6 million prosecutors. They cannot point their finger and scream at this person behind the protective glass since their ash covers most of Europe's lands..."

At the end of the trial Eichman was hanged. Eichman is the only person in the history of Israel that sentenced to death.

The trial was so important not cause Israel was able to caught a mass murderer but since it was the first time for Israelies and the rest of the world to hear the testimonies of many holocaust survivors.

Moshe Landau, who was the judge at Eichman's trial passed away yesterday at age of 91. Somehow all these symbolic events leave me speechless at the end.

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