Saturday, February 20, 2010

Making the desert bloom

During the last few months I have been experienced a bit the different perspectives and culture in the world. In October 2009 I went to Namibia as part of my final thesis research of waste management in two local municipalities.

Today there was a documentary on Israeli Channel 10 about the tribes in south Ethiopia and their way of living in the modern world. It wasn't very new images though I think that my visit to Namibia had some sort of influence on me.

I can understand the argument says that modernized society has many negative influence as many other tribes and countries experienced all over the world. I can agree that you can't just provide that to the people and expect instant change.

I do not agree to the idea that these tribes do not deserve a better life. Yes, BETTER life. These people live in a world where food depends on the environment mercy. Many people die due to hunger, diseases and tribe wars. It is definitely a world that can be much better. The tribes did accept modern changes though unfortunately it was the acceptance of assault rifles instead of spears.

I don't support the destruction of their way of living but providing your people food and safety for me is the first thing that will be always in the top of the priority. I always take Israel as an example. In the start of the 1900s there was nothing really there. The Jewish immigrants who came to Israel saw it as their promised land and therefore made it to be one.

David Ben-Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel, with his amazing leadership moved to live in the Negev desert, in Kibbutz Sde-Boker. By this move he was trying to make young people to follow him and fulfill his vision: making the desert alive and blooming. By looking 50 years backwards, I would say we relatively did it.

When a change is welcomed and worked for it will come. If you wait for others to do it for you, well, It won't. Whether African people will do it, that's totally in their hands.

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