Sunday, February 14, 2010

My first pie

OK, I'm sorry for not writing anything in last during the last weekend. It was nice meeting old graduated Environmental engineers who graduate back in 2000 till today. Later on Friday our class of 06enve (at least some) got together and that was just pure fun ! I will miss you all when I'll leave Finland in summer...

Saturday was just a continuation of Friday... We made a BBQ in Ritakatu. BBQ in Ritakatu was always an excuse to just meet friends and have some beer... That's just fun ! nothing more...

Sunday was dedicated to just rest though i made my first pie. After got the courage to do so from my lovely fiance, I did cut veggies, mixed all stuff together and put it in the oven and PRAYED!

It was delicious!
Becky and my mum will be proud of me :)


  1. זה נראה טעים ! כשתבוא לארץ נשמח לטעום !! נ.ב. שלח מתכון !

  2. Never underestimate the power of prayer! :D

  3. And i've always thought that the pie should be sweet! :) Anyway, congrats!

    P.S. How about sharing a complete recipe (the more details the better :))

    It's from Nicole (Russia)
