Saturday, May 21, 2011


This weekend I was travelling with lovely travelers from CS (Couchsurfing). One of them, A german girl, asked few questions which I honestly had no answers to... So I told her I will check.


Q: Why these bridges are being called Irish bridges?
A: The origin comes from the time when Ireland and England had a war between them. The Irish didn't want the English to know where they cross the rivers and streams so they invented this cross which is hidden.

Q: Who is Bar-Kohva and why do you light fire during your Lag-baomer holiday?
A: Bar-Kohva was a Jewish leader and lead the known "Bar Kokhba revolt" against the Roman Empire in 132 CE, establishing an independent Jewish state. His state was conquered by the Romans in 135 following a two-years war.

A: The celebration of lighting fire around is made because of few theories which one claim that when Bar-Kohva defeated the Romans, his army light a beacon to signal everyone about it.

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