Monday, May 9, 2011


I have to say that I had a weird feeling I never faced or felt ever until this year. After many years I had the opportunity to finally participate at the ceremonies of both Memorial Day and Independence Day.

I love Israel, I love its beauty, Its peacefulness, It is home... However this year something cracked in me.

I don't know what it is but in passed 10 years it seems that Israelies prefer to hate rather to live in peace. They keep looking for the bad at others rather fix our rotten apples. As fighting become part of the nerative way of living in Israel it seems that the radical approach is getting wider and wider and turned right constantly more and more...

Israelies like everyone to follow the mainstream. Anyone who doesn't will be labeled as a weirdow and outsidered immidiately. It is happening with the politics as well.

I believe Israel is a finished fact ! Since 1973 Israel become the most powerful state in the middle east and with all due respect to other rich countries around us, Israel is and will remain the most important and developed country in the region for another mileium...

I do believe though, that Israel and Israelies should start facing their problems than rather hide them under the carpet and waiting for someone else to clean it for them. Israelies have the right to live peaceful lives and raising their children as any other leading country in the world.

Sadly, People here prefer to fight constantly. They prefer living on anger, hate others and who is different from them, focus on themselves and not thinking about their environment and surroundings. After all, This is much better for the politicians than actually work and make changed for better.

This year I havent sang the anthem in any of the ceremonies. I just dont feel as connected as in the past. I think it tells it all.

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