Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Last week the Palestinians held their yearly demonstrations and protest for what they call the Nakba day, Dooms day, The establishment of Israeli state. They do not protest against the "occupation" or anything related. In their minds the existence of Israel is wrong.

After the riots of 2000 which started the second Intifada made by many Israeli Arabs the Jewish Israelies decided to boycotting their shops and merchandise. The result was a disastrous outcome for the Arab economics and many of the shops got closed. After few months they sent a request for all Jewish to stop it and come shop there again.

Since this happen the Israeli Arabs try to avoid the conflicts. They understand the effect it will have on them and their businesses. The Palestinians are not Israeli Arabs though even them manage to understand the effect the second Intifada had on them in the last 10 years. Since they stopped their "fighting" their economy is blooming, they enjoy life and focus on more important matters. On the other end you have Gaza which is still in "fighting" and well, you can see the difference yourself.

The Palestinians you see protesting are ones who do not live in Israel, Its the ones who flee to neighbour countries thinking 1948 war will be a quick war and they could return home. Other Palestinians are just fake ones... People who join them just cause they have something against Israel which sometimes they don't even know why...

During a non violent protest at the Syrian border few hundreds of them crossed the International border. They enter Israel. A big discussion was made in Israel weather the soldiers made the right move by not fire.

I would have !

This is not an inside "fighting". This is Israel's border. Simple as that. The second that a guy decided to touch the fence he should have get a bullet in his knee cap or in the head, doesn't matter. Same with the Turkish Marmara boat. If that boat would have been sank over they would not even think to do it again.

I wish that won't happen again. in any way.

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